Tama Rockstar Fusion Reviews 5

Tama Rockstar Fusion

over all it is an amazing set for the price..it is 7 years old and is in mint condition........it could last probaly decades and still be a good set :).......i want to sell my old half of the set.. a bass drum,,and 3 toms.,,,10,13,and 16 inch toms.... and later sell the other half..for a dw..that would be my last set..dw's are sooooooo exppe... [read more on Audiofanzine]

sean rated this unit 4 on 2008-01-18.

Buy them if you get to. You will not be bummed at all. I even named my dog after these drums, get the point. [read more on Audiofanzine]

joey boy rated this unit 5 on 2005-11-06.

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